How to maintain the motor of the pellet machine?

2020-09-01 11:22:00    czqwjb009    771    Original
Summary :During the operation of the pellet machine, we should maintain the pellet machine regularly to make sure it works normally. It is also necessary to protect and maintain the power system of the pellet machine regularly to avoid failures and ensure the smooth operation of the motor.

During the operation of the pellet machine, we should maintain the pellet machine regularly to make sure it works normally. It is also necessary to protect and maintain the power system of the pellet machine regularly to avoid failures and ensure the smooth operation of the motor. 

How to maintain the motor of the pellet machine? Here I will introduce it to you in detail in the following.

1. Always clean the oil stain and dust on the motor. If the application environment of the motor is harsh with a lot of dust, I recommend that you clean the motor regularly every few days to ensure the smooth cleaning and working of the motor.

2. Check the coupling of the transmission part of the pellet machine to see some of the couplings are flawed or damaged. Damaged couplings will cause a lot of dangers, so timely repair can effectively avoid many accidents.

3. Check the fixed position of the screws to see if they are loose. If they are loose, you should stop the pellet machine, and tighten them in time to avoid accidents.

4. The bearings should be cleaned in time after being used for a period of time. The old lubricating grease and mechanical oil all should be replaced with new grease and oil. The frequency of cleaning the motor and replace the grease and oil should be arranged according to the working time of the pellet machine. The general replacement period of the grease and oil should be about half year a time. 

The above is the specific method of maintaining the motor of the pellet machine. When we use the pellet machine, we must maintain its motor, because the motor is the main device to provide driving force to the pellet machine. Once it is damaged, it will cause the pellet machine to fail to run. But if you know some knowledge to maintain the pellet machine, it will help when the machine is down.